Monday, February 11, 2008

Bruce Freeman trail

The Bruce Freeman trail is a 25 mile rail/trail that will eventually go from Lowell to Framingham. These trails take a lot of time to develop and fund. The Lowell Junction area of Andover was once a major hub for rail lines headed north. Maybe someday Andover will have trails of its own, but right now it is probably wiser to think about how to connect to trails such as the Freeman, a North Andover trail on the old Essex railroad line down through Middleton and the 104 mile Massachusets central rail trail.

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A Peddling Wish

Thanks for coming to this blog. Here's what I'd like to accomplish. The long term goal is to be part of creating a safe, comprehensive bicycle plan for Andover. I'd like to think that at some point (I'll call it the 25-year bike plan), the town will have a series of linked paths and safe roadways which the residents can use for recreation, shopping, business and commuting. Students will learn the rules of safe biking early on, drivers will share the roads willingly and our town will be viewed as a model for other community biking efforts. Care to join in for the ride? My email is BLOG RULES 1. I've enabled comment moderation. This means I get a chance to approve comments before they appear. This is intended to keep the blog on topic, civil and appropriate for all to read. 2. Please stay on topic: Bicycling in Andover 3. Please participate. If you want to stay anonymous on the blog, please say so.